Wednesday, March 23, 2011

UK inquiry into major misuse of India education aid

Dear PM,

There is a news in Hindustan Times titled 'UK inquiry into major misuse of India education aid'. It is reported that 70 million pound given by UK government for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan project has just been vanished. Please click the link for details.|9330188|9329157|9329159|9329106&nextIndex=1

What an embarrassment for us. This country runs on corruption - politicians are corrupt, police is corrupt, Judiciary is corrupt. Do you have any strategy to fight corruption which is another form of terrorism? Actually corruption is worse than terrorism. You can deploy army to fight Naxals or LeT. But nobody has any clue how to fight corruption. Coalition politics has made the corruption even worse.

I think big bang approach for fighting corruption may not work. Let's start with cleaning up of police and panchayat level politicians first.

Divide police into two streams - one will look after day to day law and order issues and report to chief minister. Other stream will be fully autonomous body responsible for prosecution and investigation.

Politicians at Panchayat level and block development officers must be held responsible for misuse of funds or power or failure to implement any scheme. A completely independent body with quasi judicial power must audit them and if found guilty should be removed from the post immediately and cannot re-contest election for life.

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