Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Rahul Gandhi spent Rs 20 lacs to fly from Coimbatore to Delhi !!!‏

Dear PM,

Can you believe Mr. Rahul Gandhi's 3 day trip to Chennai cost Youth Congress Rs 1 crore? He spent Rs 1.5 lacs per hour for a helicopter and 1.1 lacs per hour for aircraft. On top of it SPG followed him in an army helicopter. This is not all, Rahul returned to Delhi from Coimbatore by Falcoon 2000 aircraft for whooping fare of Rs 20 lacs just for one way. He is worse than Mayawati. Only last week he said 'As a politician you have a duty to be austere'. Is this austerity? Media completely exposed Rhaul's hypocrisy.

Reportedly he also used Indian Air Force strip in Thanjavur and Naval Air Station in Arakkonam, INS Rajali. To the best of my knowledge no one except PM, President and defence minister can use defence air base. Rahul should be prosecuted for trespassing.
And those who allowed Rahul to use these airbases should also be prosecuted.

Dr. Singh you as a prime minister of the country have a duty to save India from politicians like Rahul and many others. I know congress spokespersons Mr. Singhvi or Ms. Natarajan will aggressively and shamelessly try to defend Rahul. But fact remains that Rahul broke the law and showed obscene showmanship like Mayawati.

My source is as follows|5593975|5596787|5595360|5593527&nextIndex=1 

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