Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Celebration of Rajiv's birth anniversary‏

Dear PM,

Different ministries of government of India celebrated Rajiv Gandhi’s birth anniversary by displaying full page/half page ads in various newspapers all over India. Do these ministries celebrate birth anniversary of Morarji Desai or Lal Bahadur Shastri or Vajpayee? Short answer is ‘No’. So, why they are using tax payer’s money to publish ads in the newspaper to mark Rajiv’s birthday? It is immoral, illegal and cheating. This is worst kind of sycophancy. Let’s congress party spend money to glorify Gandhi family, not state or central government. Can you please explain how it is different from Mayawati’s garland made of currency note? Congress heavily criticized Mayawati then.

BJP did the same thing when they were in the power. It is so unfortunate that senior politicians like you or Advani allow such misuse of power to please your party and party leaders. It does not prick your conscience. In spite of criticism from media or from public you continue to do the same wrong thing again and again.

I think time has come to monitor the act of our MPs, MLAs and leaders of political parties by an independent body like election commission. The body must have enough power to suspend or terminate the concerned politicians from their posts if found guilty. The body may be comprised of hundreds of non political known faces at state and all India level.

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