Friday, March 25, 2011

President's rule in UP‏

Dear PM,

Mr. Kapil Sibal announced that current UP govt is a still born baby. Mr. Sibal has always been known for his oration and choice of words. However he forgot for a moment that in 2003 congress thought the same govt to be living healthy baby and in the name of often misused phrase 'secularism' supported Mr. Mulayam Singh ignoring the fact that all MLAs joining Samajbadi party are actually defected from other parties. Congress didn't take any high moral ground at that time. Can you talk about morality now?

Dr Singh congress has already embarrassed itself by supporting Mulayam Singh govt in 2003. Please don't get embarrassed again by imposing president's rule in UP. One mistake cannot be rectified by another mistake. Supreme Court never asked to impose President's rule.

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