Friday, March 25, 2011

2009 Lok Shaba Election‏

Dear Mr. Advani
It seems that BJP will never learn its lesson. Commenting on Liberhan report on Babri Msjid demolition Mr. Ravishankar Prasad said that millions of people in this country want Ram temple. But he forgot to tell that billions of people don't want Ram temple. In your website hundreds of people warned you about pursuing the policy of hindutva, talking about Ram temple and attacking Muslims during election campaign. But you couldn’t resist the temptation. Let me summarize what should be take away for BJP from 2009 Lok Sabha election.
  1. People of India rejected Hindutva theory in its all form soft or hard.
  2. Indians are least interested about Ram temple at Ayodhya.
  3. Criminal like Mr. Modi cannot be projected as national leader. BJP should immediately kick him out.
  4. A religious organization cannot control political party. BJP must learn to live without RSS. RSS is as much nuisance as shiv sena.
  5. Muslim bashing cannot be considered as ideology.
  6. Disruption of parliament days after days is a sign of weak politics
  7. Coalition politics will be over soon. People want absolute majority for one single party. If BJP wants to be stronger alternative to Congress, it requires image makeover.
  8. Mr. Advani lost to combined personalities of Dr. Singh, Mrs. Gandhi and Mr. Rahul Gandhi. You called him weak prime minister without realizing that entire BJP leadership is a puppet in the hands of RSS. It was master stroke on part of Congress to announce Dr. Singh’s name as prime ministerial candidate and putting all speculations around Rahul Gandhi at rest.
  9. Hate speech has no place in democracy. Mr. Varun Gandhi tried to bring dreaded congress culture of Muslim bashing during emergency. Unfortunately you put all your weight to protect Varun. It was suicidal blunder on your part.
What is the Remedy
  • Find a new paid CEO for BJP with a well defined KPA. Give him unconditional support.
  • Sever tie with RSS
  • Remove Narendra Modi. Mr. Vajpayee lost because of him.
  • Recruit talented, open minded Muslim leaders at state and central level
  • Retire spent forces like Venkatiah Naidu, Rajnath Singh, Sushma Swaraj and others.
  • Publicly announce that BJP is not for Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
  • Focus on massive development of BJP run states to outsmart Congress run states. Recruit non political professional like Nandan Nilekani as ministers.
  • Improve the quality of life of rural people. Build small towns with all modern facilities combining 15-20 villages
Bottom-line Mr. Advani is that BJP has to think out of box to compete with Gandhi led Congress party. If BJP continues to pursue Hindutva policy, it will get less than 100 seats in 2014 election.

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