Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Power of judiciary‏

Sir (Chief Justice of India),

I was reading a report regarding admission of Supreme Court that the judiciary has erred in the recent past in usurping the powers of the executive. In a corrupt country like us, judicial overreach or judicial activism is most welcome. We people of India whole heartedly supported every judgment given by honourable high court and honourable Supreme Court to curb/expose corruption of politicians. India is ruled by bunch of criminals and cowards. There are few honest people like Dr. Manmohan Singh or Mr. Vajpayee. But they are too loyal to their party to do any good things to the Country. To them party is bigger than Country. When Gujarat was burning, innocent people are massacred Mr. Vajpayee advised Mr. Modi to behave like a king. It was a sick politics. Dr Singh and his colleagues in Congress are busy in establishing dynastic rule. They take extreme pride and pleasure in destroying democratic values of India.

At the time of Nehru, nobody complained about judicial activism. Because politics at that time was politics of gentlemen. Everyone took high moral ground. Today it is politics of opportunism and vote. I hope our politicians know that we are one of the most corrupt countries of the world. India is the worst place on earth for children. Our police force is most incompetent and corrupt. Police is controlled by local leaders of the ruling party. The most dangerous part of the whole story is that voters do not have any choice. All parties are equally corrupt.

Judiciary is the last hope of our democracy. It is quite expected that MPs will demand accountability and probity among judges. Judiciary cannot bow down to strong arm tactics of politicians. No government will dare to curtail the power of judiciary. To me judgments related to use of CNG or demolition of illegal construction in Delhi are all landmark judgments benefiting the society at large. If our MPs overpower judiciary today, next day they will overpower the media. India will soon become like Pakistan.

We got to fight back evil desire of our politicians to make them invincible.

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