Friday, March 25, 2011

Kashmir is Burning‏

Dear PM,

Situation in Kashmir is getting from bad to worse each day. It seems Abdullah family lost the control over Kasmiries who are trapped between terrorists and security personnel. I have few impractical suggestions for Kashmir problem.
  1. Create job for 50,000 Kashmiri youths within or outside Kashmir in next 3 months in call centers, shopping mall, government organizations, wherever possible.
  2. Build Modern Township with all amenities consisting of 5,000 2bhk houses. Make 10 such townships for the poor people in next 18 months. This might cost to the government Rs 4,000 crore.
  3. Give Rs 1,000 per month to unemployed youth of Kashmir and to aged people above 65 years. It might cost Rs 200 crore per month. Terrorists are paying unemployed youths from Rs 100 to 300 per day for stone pelting.
  4. Identify small scale industries which can be setup in Kashmir in short time to create at least 100,000 jobs per year
  5. Subsidies basic necessities  like kerosene, LPG, foods, TV, fridge etc
  6. Use rubber bullets, water canon to restrain stone pelter.
  7. Provide proper equipment to security personnel like bullet proof jacket, helmet etc
  8. Arrest top and middle rank separatist leaders and prosecute them for anti India activities
  9. Prosecute those security personnel who are involved in fake encounter in urgent basis
Bottom line is that we have to win back confidence of people of Kashmir. Empty promise is not going to work anymore. Government has to provide good quality of life to the Kashmiries.

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