Friday, March 25, 2011

Chaos in BJP‏

Dear Mr. Advani

Can you believe that Jinnah, a dead man is breaking BJP? I don't understand why there is a sudden rush among BJP leaders to glorify Jinnah. What point you are trying to prove - Nehru is a bad boy and Jinnah is a great man? Do you think that by discrediting Nehru and praising Jinnah all Muslims will vote for BJP and Hindus will be disillusioned about congress? These men are dead long back and historians will evaluate them, not politicians. What's wrong with BJP leadership? During election everyone suddenly started projecting Modi as 2014 PM candidate when 2009 election was not over.

To revive BJP I will re-iterate what I said before - remove Modi from the party asap and sever tie with RSS, a semi religious organization cannot control a political party. For God's sake you announce your retirement and find your successor.

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