Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Selection of Pratibha Patil as our President

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

May I ask you one simple question? Is Mrs Pratibha Patil as honest as Dr. Manmohan Singh? Answer is obvious – big NO. There are no allegations against Mrs Patil. It is all documentary evidences of her heinous crime against thousands of poor women who are cheated by an innocent looking woman and now all set to take India’s highest constitutional office. Courtesy to Dr Manmohan Singh, India’s greatest ever Finance Minister. For your benefit Mr. Prime minister let me reiterate what those evidences are.

1. Pratibha Mahila Sahakari Bank gave loan to the tune of over 2 crore rupees to her relatives including her brother and that loan was never recovered. Interesting point is that management of bank on Jan 22, 2002
authorized Mrs Patil to appoint board of directors and the chief executive. Though she was not the chair person, but she was in full command.

2. Mrs Patil is accused of mismanagement and misappropriation of funds by Aurangabad high court. In 2003 for the same reason RBI cancelled the license of the bank.

3. Rs 41 lakh of interest has been waived to her family members. She could have stopped such waiver had her intention been completely honest.
4. As per RBI note her brother used bank’s phone to make call for his personal stock market transaction and ran a bill of Rs 20 lakh. Mrs Patil neither sacked her brother from management nor did she report the incident to the police.

5. In March 13, 2002 president, vice president and secretary of the bank alleged in a letter written to her that they fear a threat to their lives from her. Point to be noted that during that time Mrs Patil was not known in
national politics. So it cannot be treated as mudslinging.

6. Mrs Patil is on record to say in Maharashtra assembly in 1975 that people with hereditary diseases should be sterilised forcibly. Only a pervert can make such a statement. You are making pervert as our next president.

7. Mrs Patil founded a sugar mill which defaulted 12 crore rupees of bank loan. Though you and Mr. Pawar put the blame on bad monsoon, but fact of the matter is that this is not the first time she is caught in money laundering.

Last Sunday I was watching Mr AB Bardhan in Devil’s Advocate show. As expected Mr. Thapar ripped Mr. Bardhan apart. But he is as unfazed as you are in defending Mrs Patil. Other day I saw Mr. DasMunshi in NDTV. His defence for Mrs Patil is as ridiculous as it could be. So Mr. Prime Minister you may still pretend to know nothing, but it will not change tainted image of Mrs Patil among Indian youths.

I thought Mr. L. K. Advani was the most destructive politician in India. Now you are replacing Mr. Advani. You brought disrepute to the office of President. What was the urge for such a misadventure? It is a terrible
mistake on your part to nominate Mrs Pratibha Patil as President. But you are not ready to admit it. Do you know the difference between a brave and a coward? Cowards always make a mistake and never admit it. A brave rarely makes mistake and immediately accepts the mistake.

Dear Mr. Prime Minister you are as politically corrupt as Mr. Vajpayee. When Gujarat was burning, he became philosophical. He paid the penalty for his crime of not arresting Mr Modi for state sponsored terrorism. Unthinkable happened to Mr. Vajpayee’s political life – a humiliating defeat at the hands of Mrs Sonia Gandhi, last thing Mr Vajpayee wanted in his life.

The day Mrs. Patil will take oath as President of India whole world will laugh at us. Next day Indians will wake up with their head hanging in shame. Every time Mrs Patil will visit a country people will point their fingers and say ‘Here comes a woman who robed thousands of simple innocent poor women of their hard earned life time savings’ and who made her President? An oxford graduated economist who became India’s Prime Minister by sheer stroke of luck.

Dr. Manmohan Singh shame on you!

When you become old, if your grand children ask you ‘Grandpa why did you make a corrupt woman like Pratibha Patil as India’s president?’ what will you tell them? Did you ever thought the embarrassment your daughters have to face if Mrs Patil becomes President. If they ask you ‘Dad why you didn’t order CBI inquiry when there was so much compelling evidence against Mrs Patil?’ How will you react?

Dr. Singh you choose to shed your honour, your dignity, and your values to show your loyalty to your party. History will not forgive you. I may be one of the million people who voiced their anger against Mrs Patil’s nomination. It pains us when an educated man like you behaves such irrationally. I
appreciate your loyalty to Congress party. But should it be at the cost of
national interest?

When you go to sleep at night, do you still believe that Mrs Patil is an honest woman beyond reasonable doubt? You may fool us. But can you fool your conscience?

You still have time to reverse your decision. If you do it will not be your defeat, but the biggest victory of your life.

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