Thursday, March 24, 2011

OBC Quota

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

SC/ST and OBC require better access to basic schooling, food and shelter so that they can compete with the world when they grow up. They don’t deserve political exploitation to be used as vote bank. You  politicians divided the country in the line of religion. It was not enough. So Mr V P Singh invented new form of self destruction through Mondal Commission and now it is Mr Arjun Singh’s turn to make it more lethal. I do not understand what’s wrong with you guys.

In early eighties Mr Jyoti Basu and comrade Promode Dasgupta decided to stop teaching English in primary schools in West Bengal. By communist ‘fatwa’ English was taught from class V instead of at nursery. Not a single communist teacher opposed it because it was a party decision. After 20 years Mr Buddhadev Bhattacharyya accepted that withdrawing  English from nursery was a great mistake. Now same Mr Bhattacharyya is heading for a new blunder - handing over most fertile agricultural lands of Bengal to industries. Everyone is warning him of future scarcity of food in Bengal. But who cares? Party will say sorry after 10 years. Dr. Singh by the time you realize your  mistake it will be too late to reverse the process.

You said you will increase number of seats so that current number of general quota would not be affected. It easier said than done. You didn’t give any detail plan. You will definitely increase the number of seats in IITs and other institutes, but without improving required infrastructure or increasing teaching stuffs or other amenities.

If I were in your position I would have created dedicated college, universities in each state for SC/ST and OBC without disturbing existing institutions as they are already stretched to limit.

Dr Singh, are you listening? History is watching.

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