Friday, March 25, 2011

First Right to Resource‏

Dear PM,

Congress ruled the country for 50 years. Can you please tell me why Nehru didn’t do anything for Muslims, why Mrs Gandhi didn’t do anything, Why Rajiv Gandhi didn’t do anything and finally did Narashima Rao do anything for Muslims? All of them isolated vast majority of Muslims from the main stream and used them as vote bank. Muslims realized that congress did maximum damage to them. So they vote for regional parties. Now you are desperate to get back their confidence. If you really want to do something for Muslims, do it silently. You don’t have to make an announcement like Mrs Gandhi’s ‘Garibi Hatao’. She couldn’t remove poverty, it was just a gimmick.

Suppose you opened 10,000 new schools for Muslims. Do you think Muslim clerics will allow Muslim children to go to those schools? Of course not. They will force them to come to Madrasa. Muslim community would eternally be grateful to you if you can close down 70% Madrasas. Do you have guts to do
that? Have you identified root cause of their backwardness?

Sir you said minorities specially Muslims should have first rights to resources. Can you please explain to nation what do you mean by resource? Is prime minister’s chair a resource? It should be. Then I believe Mr Salman Khurshid or Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad should have first right over you. They have all the qualities to be a prime minister. Don’t you think you should walk the talk?

Mr Prime Minister I fully agree that all of us should help Muslims and OBCs to prosper. But for God’s sake please do not try to take political mileage out of their suffering. They are as dignified as you and me, please respect them.

I think instead of talking in terms of religion and caste, you should focus on backward states like Bihar, Orissa, Assam, Madhya Pradesh and UP. These states are most neglected and Muslims, OBCs, Dalits live in pathetic conditions in those states in comparison to south Indian states or Punjab, Haryana, Maharastra.

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