Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Conviction of Shibu Soren‏

Dear PM,

When a government employee is charge sheeted, he/she is immediately suspended till the case is over. Then how a charge sheeted person can contest an election, become an MP or a minister? Sir, we consider you as  ‘imandar admi’. For an honest person there is nothing called ‘political compulsion’. What if you remove tainted minister from your ministry? Congress working committee will ask you to step down as PM. Let it be. Why you should earn the tag of bad boy? Why you want to be tainted to protect these criminals. Recently CBI gave clean chit to Mayawati. CBI reports only to PM and without your tacit approval CBI will not dare to stop investigation. Now Supreme Court blasted CBI and directed the agency to prosecute her. Whose image got tarnished? It is yours not CBI’s. Can I ask you something? Would you accept anyone with similar  criminal record of Lalu Prasad Jadav as your so-in-law? Answer is obvious – No. Then why do you accept them as your minister?

Sir, fighting against criminals is not as difficult as it is being projected. Criminals are basically cowards. They pretend to be tiger if you give them an impression that you are scared. Today you exposed yourself to  blackmailing because you have something to loose – the prime minister’s chair. It is sad and disgraceful when honest man like you surrenders to people like Shibu Soren.

I don’t have anything more to say. It is your choice how you want to be remembered – as a strong man who determined to change India’s corrupt political system or as a weak man who succumbed to the pressure of his criminal colleagues.

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